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You Can Do Anything for 10 Days – Start with Decreasing Stress!

How would you like to change your life in just 10 days?

To prove to yourself you can hit the goal you want, have the self-control you want, and have the happiness you want?

I recently ran a 10 Day Sugar Detox Challenge on Facebook!

A group of 10 women were supported through 10 days of sugar awareness.

They emerged on the other side reporting better sleep, weight loss, more energy and less desire for caffeine!

You can do anything for 10 days! (Bonus – you will want to continue afterwards!)

You can sleep 8 hours a night for 10 days, cook for yourself for 10 days, get a massage for 10 days, cut coffee for 10 days, call your mom for 10 days.

Whatever it is you think would make your life better.

You can commit for just 10 days and see your life change!

Don’t like what you see at the end of your 10 days, no big deal. It was only 10 days!

Love how you feel at the end of 10 days? Congratulations! You’ve struck gold!

When you make a decision to change your life you will be hit with challenges! You children, spouse or parents will fall ill. You’ll have to deal with challenging clients and co-workers. Your mind will combat your efforts. Your car will break down. And so on! But, if you have a goal and believe in it, you will make it to the finish line!

The sugar challenge was a chance to prove to people they could conquer a small, but significant challenge!

I had a number of people delay the decision to join the challenge…

”Next time”….they said.

There is only now!

Don’t delay your chance to change your life when the opportunity presents itself!

There is no perfect time!

The opportunities that come through your life are for you! They are for you to take advantage of, to grow from, to lean in to and to learn from!

The Stressed to Centered program takes the 10 day challenge to a whole new level!

The program you can find in my shop is an opportunity to go deeper, get more support to change your life! If you want to feel calm, cool, and collected (even in the middle of your crazy schedule), stop worrying what others think (especially at 3am when you want to be sleeping) and get practical tools to manage stress (that aren’t all “woo woo”), you'll love this program.

In just 10 days, you will learned how to:

  • Stop the negative stories and replace it with a sunny wit

  • Let go of lingering resentments that zap energy

  • Never feel selfish for taking care of yourself ever again

Here’s a peek at just some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • what is stress & how it affects your health

  • how to prioritize alone time & set boundaries

  • how to let go of control (yes, it's possible)

  • how to create a daily meditation practice (that you can do anywhere!)

  • how food plays a huge role in your stress levels

  • vitamin deficiencies & supplements to be stress-free...and more

I'm on a mission to make a stress-less lifestyle easy to accomplish.

But don't wait too long--EARLY BIRD PRICING ends June 10, 2018.

For just the price of your coffee for 10 days you can take a step toward changing your life!

Will you join us on Sunday June 17, 2018 so you can go from Stressed to Centered?

Click here to learn more & to save your space!

Hope to see you Sunday June 17!

Not interested in joining the Facebook Challenge group?

Download the program and go at your own pace!

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