5 Lessons about Work and Retirement I've Learned from Working with Seniors
I will never retire and I never want to. Shocked? I used to be just like you, dreaming of the day I could hand in my resignation papers...

The Myth of Work-Life Balance and How to Get Some!
Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more work-life balance? If only you had a few more hours to yourself, you would finally pursue...

The Secret to Getting What You Want!
There is only one way to get what you want. Only one. And I'll break it into 3 easy steps. Don't scroll any further if you're not ready...

Does it Have to be Lonely at the Top?
After sitting me down for a serious heart to heart about a promotion, a former mentor who entered my life as quickly as he exited quoted...

FAQs: What is a Nurse Practitioner? Should I see a Nurse Practitioner? Should I become a Nurse Pract
Even though Nurse Practitioners have been around for decades many people haven't heard of them and aren't quite sure what they do. Here...

Nurses Read This Blog!
Career Advice for Nurses